Sunday, November 16, 2008

To clear the air...

Today I got into a well heated conversation over the fact I am venomently opposed to President-Elect Obama’s policies. Heated to the point that I was accused of being blinded so much by the fact that “my guy lost” that I’m missing the historical significance of Obama’s election to President. I will say this once again to all who may have the same opinion. I truly understand the historical aspect of the occasion. The struggle African Americans had to endure not that long ago. The fact that an African American was not only able to get his party’s nomination but win the election is something I will be glad to share with my children and grand children. African Americans as a race on January 20th should be proud and take that moment to reflect on how far we have come and appreciate the struggles of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and others.

With that said, here is my question. Can someone appreciate the moment and fear it at the same time? Let me explain. I think Barack Obama is a fascinating man. I believe if I ever got a chance to talk with him, it would probably go down as a highlight of my life. With him being a constitutional law professor and me interested in constitutional law, I would probably learn a lot from him. My issue with Obama is his political ideas. Ideas like wealth distribution, universal health care, sitting down with our enemies without conditions. There are many more but those are the top ones. He as a record of supporting policies that scream socialism, and believes the United Nation should have more control of our armed services. These policies scare me. I believe Capitalism works if the government stays out the way. I believe government should be small and military strong. I believe in the sovereignty of America and believe the UN is not looking out for our best interest. I truly believe with Obama a President and a Democrat majority in Congress, America may be heading down a path we may not be able to recover from.

When January 20th 2009 arrives and Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States, I like the rest of the African American community will have a since of pride and know we are witnessing history. I also will be looking on in concern because if Obama gets to enact some of his more extreme policies I fear America’s best days may have past us by.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Question for My Democrat Brothers

Recently my cousin pronounced on his blog "WE DID IT!"

My first question is "WHO IS WE"?

We Democrats?

We Barack Obama Supporters?

This can't be it. As I assure you that such message would not have been distributed had Democrat John Kerry had prevailed in 2004.It is clear to me that the "WE" is "WE BLACK FOLKS"!!!Everyone is so caught up in the historical aspect of the election this was not a "WE victory.Black folks make up about 13% of the population. Obama's Transition team does not appear to have but one Black person on it at the core.

WE ain't running a thing.
Carol Browner
William Daley
Christopher Edley
Michael Froman
Julius Genachowski
Donald Gips
Governor Janet Napolitano
Federico Peña
Susan Rice
Sonal Shah
Mark Gitenstein
Ted Kaufman

Some of you are living so vicariously through BARACK OBAMA that it is going to be difficult for you to detail HOW YOU HAVE BENEFITED after 4 years - even if you haven't.

Monday, November 10, 2008

'Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1'

The co-chair of Barack Obama's Transition Team, Valerie Jarrett, appeared on Meet the Press this weekend and told tom that "Obama was ready to RULE day 1." Someone needs to inform Valerie Jarrett that in America our leaders don't "rule" they govern. Unless that's what the "Annointed One" believes.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Burning Question

OK, Obama has won. The Grand High most Exulted one will be our 44th president. Let me clear one thing up before I continue. As an African American, I do recognize the historical significance of Obama’s win and will give him his due. As President Elect I will give him the respect he is due. This is far and beyond more that was given to George W or Dr. Rice or Colin Powell by the left. With that out the way let me get to my question.

What has Obama done to warrant this world admiration? Has he cured any diseases? Has he authored any laws that changed the betterment of man in his 320 days as Senator? Made any major contribution to the world beside speeches and condemnation for his country? Why is it all of a sudden “good to be an American” now and was something you were ashamed of just 48hrs ago?