Sunday, October 26, 2008

5 Question Quiz

With the coronation of Lord High Barack Obama just a few weeks away, let me clear one thing up. I am not a supporter of Barak Obama. I’m sure that is not news to anyone who knows me. When expressing my discuss of the situation, I was advised to "Calm down, you may like what he does the next 4 years." Ahh no. Everyone is so into this “Next step in History”, that they are willing to send America down a path it may not be able to recover from. Let me explain that last statement. When you attack the ideals that made this country what it is, you risk losing it altogether. Everyone is so focused on “Change”, were about to elect someone into the highest office in the land with no experience, a shady background and a Socialists agenda. When you go to vote on November 4th ask yourself these questions.

1. Are you ready to have our military laughed at and mocked when we run out of Iraq with are tails between or legs?
2. Are you ready to roll back the Patriot Act that has kept us safe for the last 8 years?
3. Are you ready to have the Government owning our homes, controlling our healthcare , running our banks and controlling the free market?
4. Are you ready to stifle economic and job growth by taxing those who provide the jobs?
5. Are you ready for more than a Trillion dollars worth of spending in the next 4 years?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will vote for Obama. If you answered no then you need to do whatever legally possible to make sure John Mc Cain gets elected. He may not be the best person for the job, but he is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that my friend. As an advocate of small federal government and strong national defense, i have no choice but to vote mccain.